Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Figuerola Workshop: "Office-Mania: Asset Market Bubble in Seventeenth-Century Castile (1590-1631)". Jointly with Mauro Hernández Benítez (30/05/2024).
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Economic History Workshop of Developing Regions (YSI-Instituto Figuerola): "Long-Term Dynamics of Market Integration in Spain: Liberalization, Protectionism, and the Impact of Railways (1725-1905) ". Jointly with Enrique Llopis (16/02/2024).
Universidad de València, Workshop in Economics: "Top Earners and the Great Compression: New Estimates Based on Tax Records (1725-1905) ". Jointly with Miguel Artola (05/02/2024).
Universidad Pública de Navarra, Economic History Workshop: "Unexpected Side Effects of Trade Policy: Integration in the Spanish Wheat Market, 1725-1905". Jointly with Enrique Llopis (20/09/2023).
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Figuerola Institute Annual Workshop: "Unexpected Side Effects of Trade Policy: Integration in the Spanish Wheat Market, 1725-1905". Jointly with Enrique Llopis (09/06/2023).
Wageningen University & Research, Workshop in Economics: "Top Earners and the Great Compression: New Estimates Based on Tax Records". Jointly with Miguel Artola (23/05/2023).
Tilburg University, Workshop in Finance: "The Unprofitability of Violence: The Mexican Drug War and Foreign Direct Investment". Jointly with Christopher Absell (30/03/2023).
Universitat de les Illes Ballears, Reinventando un reinado. Nuevas propuestas y discursos historiográficos sobre Carlos II y su época: "La reforma monetaria de Medinaceli y el ocaso del mercado de oficios en Castilla, 1680-1700" (24/02/2023).
University of Antwerp, Finance & History Workshop: "A Safe Asset in Early Modern Castile, 1543-1714" (01/20/2023).
Universidad Camilo José Cela, International Conference on Applied Economics: "The Unprofitability of Violence: The Mexican Drug War and Foreign Direct Investment". Jointly with Christopher Absell (07/07/2022).
Paris School of Economics, World Inequality Conference: "Labor Earnings in the United States (1918-1948). Estimates Based on Tax Records". Jointly with Miguel Artola (12/07/2021).
Universidad de València, Department of Economic History's Seminar: "A Safe Asset in Early Modern Castile (1543-1714)" (10/28/2021).
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-Universidad de Jaén-Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Privilegio, merced y venalidad en la España de los Austrias (siglos XVI-XVII): "¿Venalidad o venalidades? Análisis económico de los tipos de ventas de oficios en la Castilla moderna" (06/04/2021).
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). Thesis defense: "When Safety Becomes Risky. Venality, Safe Assets, and the Bubble for Offices in Early Modern Spain". Committee: Ph.D. Francisco Andújar, Ph.D. Rui Esteves, and Ph.D. Pilar Nogués-Marco (02/22/2021).
Universidad Española a Distancia (UNED), Haciendo Historia: "Cuando la seguridad se vuelve arriesgada. Activos refugio y burbujas económicas en el mercado de oficios de la Castilla moderna (1543-1700)" (07/09/2020).
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, VI Encontro de Jovens Investigadores de História Moderna: "Un activo seguro en la Castilla Moderna: Los oficios".(05/10/2019).
European University Institute, Economic History Seminar: "A Safe Asset in Early Modern Castile" (04/10/2019).
University of Cambridge, The Development of Financial Centres in Europe, 1300-1700. A graduate and early career conference in honour of Peter Spufford: "The Creation of a New Investment Asset (1543-1630)" ,(09/27/2018).
UB-UC3M-UV, Inter-University PhD Workshop in Economic History, 2018: “The Offices-Mania: Offices Market Bubble in Seventeenth Century Castile”, University of Barcelona, (06/14/2018).