Beyond Academia

Sol de Tasajera. I was very lucky for taking part in a social and economic development project in Tasajera Island (El Salvador). This project, which was devised by Edgar Hita, is funded by sustainable tourism services, and undertakes actions regarding health, education, and environment. Take a closer look by clicking below!

Matar después de muerto. In 2017, I lived one of the most beautiful and hardest experience of all my life. I undertook a humanitarian project where we took clothes, food, and medicaments donations to the forgotten people at the crossroads of two worlds: the refugees who wait the precise moment to change their lives by jumping the Ceuta fence. Alicia Fácila, who was helped by Adrian Manzanal and myself, filmed a short but wonderful documentary about the project. Thanks to everybody who took part in this project, especially Reduan, Chris Absell and his two music groups, Manza, and Alicia. You may watch the documentary below! 

Finally, I leave you with one of my hobbies: the photography. You may find some of my favourite pictures below!